Romans 8:28 - My Daily Bible

Daily Bible Verse

Romans 8:28

Romans 8:28

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Romans 8 is one of the most glorious passages in all Scripture. Paul’s doctrine is rich and full of majesty, and in verse 28, he gives us a beautiful promise of God. We know God is good and works for good. Yet there is still evil, suffering, and persecution in this world. These realities break us down, test our faith, and allow doubt to creep in. However, the sovereignty of God overrides them all. Paul tells us God works through all things for good. Through sickness and poverty, through despair and weakness, God is working all things for good.

And yet, God does not work good in all things for all people. Notice who are the receivers of this amazing grace: those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. While God gives common grace to every man, He gives special providence, guidance, faithfulness, and mercy to His children. This brings both hope and peace to a weary heart, as nothing can thwart the plans of God in the life of a true believer. Come what may, whatever the storm, the child of God stands upon the Rock of this magnificent promise. God is Lord of the storm.

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