Relationship Prayer: Understanding Our Partners - My Daily Bible

Today's Relationship Prayer

Relationship Prayer: Understanding Our Partners

Relationship Prayer: Understanding Our Partners

Problems in relationships often arise from our inability to fully understand the motivations of our partners. Sometimes their words or actions can hurt us or confuse us. In order to heal a wounded heart, one must turn to God for answers. Only He knows the true intentions of your partner’s heart, and only He can give you the wisdom and the grace to understand how to navigate the hard days.

Lord Jesus, I don’t understand, but You do.

You know all there is to know. I ask You for wisdom, Lord, that I might know how to understand the needs of my partner.

Please also supply me with grace that I may extend grace to them and not be so offended should something hurt me deeply.

Help me to see the world through their eyes and have compassion for them.

Do not let me walk in pride, rather teach me to walk in the truth of a humble and abiding love. 

In Your name I pray,


God’s Word says, “...lean not on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5). In times like these, we must trust in the Lord with all our hearts and ask Him in prayer to make our paths straight.


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