Mark 10:27 - My Daily Bible

Mark 10:27

Jac Filer

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“Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

Who can be saved? The disciples pondered this question aloud, prompting this response from Jesus. But why were the disciples confused?

A rich man who was eager to follow Jesus had just gone away sad because he was unwilling to sacrifice his wealth. Jesus then lamented how difficult it is for those who trust in their own wealth and means to enter God’s kingdom. Up until now, the disciples understood earthly wealth as a sign of God’s blessing. But if those who are blessed in this life can miss out on God’s kingdom, then who can be saved?

On our own, none of us. Only through faith in God, by the grace of Jesus, is salvation possible. This is true regardless of whether we are rich or poor, adored by others or invisible to them. Salvation is the free gift of God that Jesus makes possible for all of us.