"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
Sometimes, waiting gets tedious, and sometimes a chosen course of action is unpopular with those close to us. In such times, we may feel pressure to abandon our goals, our conviction, or our faith journey and return to an easier way of life. These words are written for just such a time.
“Hold fast!” the writer tells a young, scattered church. Despite the pressure of persecution, the writer of Hebrews reminds his readers, and us, that when we come to Jesus, we are on the right path, no matter what others say. He fulfilled the promises of the old covenant, and by the new covenant of his sacrifice, we have an open door to enter the presence of God. What a great promise! So, let us encourage one another as we enter God’s presence with confidence in the one who saves, resisting the pressure to return to an unfulfilled promise.