Let the Church Work Through You: Seven Ways to Help Your Church Serve Your Community - My Daily Bible

Let The Church Work Through You: Seven Ways To Help Your Church Serve Your Community

Kyle Anderson

When we think of church, many of us probably think about the actual church buildings, or the clergy and community leaders help guide their flock along a Godly path. Yet, the teachings of Jesus illustrated many times over that the purpose of the church – to spread the Good Word and serve the unserved – is not exclusive to the church itself. In fact, as we are all part of God’s flock, we also all have an individual responsibility to do our part in advancing God’s work on Earth.

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Doing so doesn’t have to be complicated, though it certainly may be challenging. Many of us would like to do more for our neighbors and those in need but face many barriers to doing so, such as a lack of time or resources. Yet these challenges were put in front of us by God, just as he gives us the opportunities and the capabilities to overcome them. To get you started, here are seven ways to engage in serving your community and bring God’s goodness to those in need.  


Bring Bread to the Community

One great place to start is to help provide food aid. In every community, there are those who live without food security, and even if your community has adequate support systems, there are others out there who could use any assistance you can give. The best part about food-related work is that there are so many ways to contribute based on what you have to give.

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If you have extra financial resources or a pantry filled with canned goods you have no idea what to do with, consider donating to a food bank. If you have nothing material to give, you can donate your time by volunteering at the food bank, a local soup kitchen, or a meal-delivery service for the elderly.

Extend the Reach of Your Church

Though the church plays a crucial role in many of our communities, most churches face limits in how far they can reach with their services. Sometimes this is because the church has many responsibilities to its existing community, which can be a barrier to extending its impact to new areas.

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Yet there are many communities laying just beyond their current reach that may be in dire need of the church’s presence. This is where you come in. Keep on the lookout for neighboring communities in need and inquire with your church leaders as to how you can help them reach out and forge new connections.

Find Your Inner Missionary

Some of life’s greatest experiences and rewards can be found by acting for the church, as is often the case for mission trips. Going on a mission trip is a wonderful example of how God rewards those who bring his love to those in greatest need. These trips are often to less-developed nations or cities closer to home with a significant number of underserved communities.

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Typically mission trips are volunteer-based, meaning they rely on the participation of community members like you, making this a great way to be of service if you can spare the time. If so, you are in for an eye-opening journey, as you will likely find that as you give to the community you’re there to serve, so to do they give back in incredible ways.

Caring for the Elderly

For all the goodness and meaning our churches bring to our communities, their ability to do so will always be limited by the number of hands available to reach out and connect with those in need. Often most forgotten yet most in need are our elderly, many of whom may not have family close or available to give them proper care.

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You could give them your time and help them with housework or by running errands. Many elderly are simply grateful for good conversation, which is a simple yet powerful way to bring God’s love into their heart.


Improve Community Church Impact

While we talked earlier about extending the reach of your church to neighboring communities, there may also be parts of your existing community that is not effectively reached by the church. These groups may live closer to the margins of society, such as the homeless and communities overly burdened by poverty.

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Yet these communities were among the most revered and cherished by Jesus in his time on Earth. Consider reaching out to local community organizations that already serve these populations to find out how you and your church may further aid them.

Youth Mentoring & Tutorship

Becoming a youth mentor or tutor is another great way to do good work for the church in your community. There is nothing more valuable to fostering happy, healthy, kind-hearted adults, than compassion and meaningful guidance in our childhoods. Yet too often, many children may not have a parent or other adult in their life with the ability to do so.

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Engaging with a community organization, or through your church, to provide mentorship, guidance, or tutoring brings enrichment and greater learning opportunities to our children. By being a beacon for God’s love and compassion, you can help guide them on a righteous path but and ensure they have the support they need to get there.

Be a Good Steward of the Earth

Sometimes the best way to make a difference for the church can be found in your back yard. The Lord bestowed upon us a gift never-ending in our natural world, and as good stewards of God’s creation, it is our responsibility to take care of His gift.

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From litter strewn about our city streets, to highway debris, to overgrown abandoned lots, opportunities abound to clean up around your community by engaging in either organized or spontaneous cleaning activities. You may also consider reaching out to your elderly neighbors to see if they would like help cleaning up their yard, or to help plant spring flowers.

Let The Church Work Through You

When Christ walked among us, he was a living example of the Godliness of community service and acts of compassionate care for our neighbors. He looked with special fondness to those most in need and those that are too often overlooked.

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There are few more certain paths to true goodness in life than to honor the Father and Son by acting in Christ’s example. By engaging your community in service to the church, you will be sure to bring God’s love closer to all.