Lord, I Am Weak From the Cares That Weigh Me Down - My Daily Bible

Lord, I Am Weak From The Cares That Weigh Me Down

Ana Menez



Lord, I am weak from the cares that weigh me down, weary from running from my fear, my pain, and my sin. God, I do not have the strength to carry on. So I ask you, Jesus, to take this burden of guilt and regret from me, and satisfy my thirst with your living water. Set my eyes upon the prize and my feet upon the straight path, that I may run this race with endurance and faithfulness. And renew my strength, that by your power of your Spirit I may persevere. Thank you, Lord, for giving me the strength to soar on wings like eagles, to run and not grow weary, to walk and not faint. Amen.

Scriptures are filled with invitations for Christians to turn their fears, cares, and worries over to God. Often, it’s not about knowing but believing. Our mind knows that God exists and that He is always there for us. But does our mind and heart truly believe that God will keep His word? The bible says that even though we fail to believe, He will remain faithful. God can never deny who He is. He is a promise-keeper.

So let go of your cares and let God have them. Run to God in times of fear and pain.