Lord, I Love My Children as You Love Us All - My Daily Bible

Lord, I Love My Children As You Love Us All

Ana Menez


Lord, I love my children as You love us all. Yet I know that in their lives there will be times where I cannot be their protector.

In these times I am thankful for the Lord, for I know You are the supreme protector of us all and with them always.

So I lay myself before the Lord and release my control to You. Be the shield that guards my children against those who would do them harm and lead them on a path of righteousness in Your name.

Praise the Lord. Amen.

As a devoted parent, you prioritize the welfare and safety of your children. The fact that you cannot always be around to guide and safeguard them can be very stressful. In these moments, you can find assurance in the promise of Scripture. God’s everlasting love and salvation is with those who fear Him, and He extends them to your children and their children after them (Psalm 103:17).

God is your children’s protective shield and a clear guide for the path that lies ahead. Commit their safekeeping to the Sovereign One who never sleeps nor slumbers.