O, Merciful Lord, I Pray to You For the Mending of a Fractured Heart - My Daily Bible

O, Merciful Lord, I Pray To You For The Mending Of A Fractured Heart

Daniel Dikio



O, merciful Lord, I pray to You for the mending of a fractured heart.

I may be broken-hearted, yet still, it is Your praise I sing, for You are “He who heals the brokenhearted and heals up their wounds”

(Psalm 147:3).

I pray that You heal my heart and that I may be made whole by the glory of Your light.

You are my shepherd, lord – lead me on the path of true healing that is made only possible through Your radiant mercy.

Praise God. Amen.

A prayer that references Psalm 147:3, is the appeal of a broken heart. This prayer can be said by all who are going through various forms of heartbreak, whether it is the loss of a loved one or a failed relationship. God has the power to heal and make whole, no matter how deep the wounds are. What more, the healing of God is perfect and permanent, made available to us all by His loving kindness.

In our hard times, it is important to look up to God for the healing of all our wounds. Only He can give true and long-lasting healing.