Romans 10:11

As Scripture says, "Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame."

The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the Word of our God stands forever. The Apostle Paul hearkens back to Scripture to ground his argument regarding our salvation. It is quite simple, really. God will honor true faith in Him, and in His Son. In this faith, we are in Christ, and thus a part of His family. When we become a true child of God, we shall be saved, not only in this life to walk in righteousness, but also in the life to come, to walk in glory.

Anyone who truly believes on the Lord Jesus Christ to save them from their sins shall never perish. This is what it means to never be put to shame. There is not one single soul in Hell tonight that cries out, “Injustice!” There is not one single voice that accuses, “I believed, yet I perish!” God is faithful to save those who love Him.