Matthew 6:15

"But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

Our God is a forgiving God. He forgives the repentant sinnder without delay. He forgives our wrongdoings and never holds these faults against us. He grants forgiveness without condition. He forgives and remains loving. His love for us never diminishes even though we stray and we keep sinning. God's love is divine, perfect, selfless. And His nature as a forgiving God remains the same for eternity.

God forgave the unforgivable in us. When we couldn't redeem ourselves, Christ came to die in our place. When we became a child or God, we became a new creation in Christ. He now lives in us, and transforms us to be like Him step by step. Hence, being forgiving is something we learn and grow to love doing as time goes by. As God makes efforts to reconcile all men to Him, we should also seek to reconcil and unite with those God has placed around us. For if we cannot forgive, how can we say we are in right fellowship with our Forgiving God and with men ? And if we are not in right fellowship with Him or others, then we remain in sin. And so, God cannot forgive us as long as we remain in our sin of unforgiveness.