Matthew 28:19

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

Commonly called the Great Commission, here are the final instructions from Jesus to his first disciples before His ascension.  And what a rich statement it is!  We, as followers of Jesus, are called to be imitators of his love, conduits of his grace, and beacons of his truth.  We have been entrusted with a great treasure: the good news that the crucified Lord Jesus has been raised, and in Him, we have hope for eternity.

But this news is too good to keep to ourselves, so we have been tasked with continuing the good work that Jesus started, sharing this message of hope with a hurting world.  To every nation, every ethnic group, every language, we are to carry this life of hope.  Not just that others may hear the good news, but that they may experience the fullness of love, joy, hope, and peace that come from knowing Jesus.