Lamentations 3:22-23

"Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,

for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness."

We have all had days that seem to never end but are simply one challenge after the next. Yet sometimes, even as by the grace of God you triumph over one challenging day, you then find yourself faced with yet another day of difficulty waiting for you the next morning. You may find yourself wondering where you will find the will and grit to overcome tomorrow. You know the Lord is merciful and full of grace, and that God granted you mercy for today, but you worry that you have exhausted this day’s mercy and will have none left for tomorrow’s challenges.

In these times it is worthwhile to look to the words of Matthew 6:34, in which Matthew reminds us that God’s compassion is unfailing, and each new morning is renewed. Fear not tomorrow’s challenges, for God will provide you with mercy and compassion in just measure to the challenges you will face. The key is to have faith in the compassion God will provide tomorrow. You may find you have just enough of today’s mercy to believe in tomorrow, so let God’s unerring compassion bring you peace today as you prepare to meet the day to come.