Relationship Prayer: Lord, we ask for a share of your wisdom as we manage our household finances...

Stress over finances is a common source of friction in many relationships. When money is tight, difficult choices cause stress in other aspects of the relationship. When two people are not in agreement about spending decisions, argument and mistrust can easily follow.

Lord, we ask for a share of your wisdom as we manage our household finances. Teach us to discern sound choices, avoid foolish spending, and communicate with each other about our finances. Give us insight as we examine our priorities, and teach us to be patient in our desire for material things. Develop cheerful, giving hearts in us, so that we may use the resources you provide to bless others and honor you. Most of all, teach us to seek first your kingdom, so that we may trust in your provision, even when we think we are in control. In Jesus’ name, amen.

It is important for couples who share financial responsibilities to not only make decisions together, but to seek God’s wisdom when doing so.