Father, Thank You for the Morning Light of a New Sunrise

Father, thank you for the morning light of a new sunrise. We are reminded daily by this magnificent display of your power that you make all things new. Forgive us for the times when we’ve dwelled in the darkness and taken comfort in the shadows. For you are light, and in you there is no darkness. Shine on us today, that we may walk in the light of your grace and truth, made new in Jesus. Amen.

God commands a new sunrise each day, and by this, we are reminded of both His creative power and His faithful presence. Yet sometimes, we seek shelter in the dark corners of our lives, trying to hide from the light. But God calls us to dwell in the light because He is light.

Whether it is fear, pride, or selfish desire that tempts us to retreat to the darkness, we can call on God to shine His light on us, casting away all shadows, so that by the light of His presence, we may walk fully in His grace.