Lord, You Invite Us to be Still and Know

Lord, You invite us to be still and know that You are God. In the quiet stillness, we listen for Your voice. Tune our ears to hear Your still small voice in the clamor of life. Speak to us, that we may follow Your leading, and walk in Your perfect will. Amen.

Sometimes life can get quite loud, yet the only way to truly hear the voice of God is to be still, to know He alone is God, and to come into His presence. Even though our God is Almighty, His is a still, small voice. It can often get lost in the hustle and bustle of living our lives.

We pray this prayer to remember to be still in His presence and abide in His love. It is only when we train ourselves to hear His voice that we truly hear it, and it is only when our hearts are still that He speaks.