God, Some Days the Distractions Get the Best of Me

God, some days the distractions get the best of me, and it’s hard to feel your presence. Lord, I know the truth that you are always with me and ever-loving, but still, I forget to live in this truth. You promise me victory in you, and I start today claiming that promise. So give me today your wisdom, your peace, your courage, so that by your power I may conquer every obstacle and temptation, to your glory and honor. Amen. 

As Christians, our salvation is secure, and regardless of what happens each day, this truth is unchanging. But God instructs us to walk in His light, to remember that He is with us always, and not just at the end of this life.

Still, daily life often steers our minds away from this truth, leading us to give in to temptation and worry. When this happens, we stray from choices and actions that honor and please God. So we are wise to begin each day seeking His presence so that each day we can be prepared to walk in victory.