Lord, Your Word Tells Us to be Alert and Sober-Minded

Lord, your Word tells us to be alert and sober-minded. Help me to remain attentive, so I may hear your voice through the noise of life, and see my steps by the light of your word. Show me the way when I am lost, and send your light into the darkness before me. When I am overwhelmed with choices that leave me conflicted and confused, settle my heart that I may be still and know your presence Disperse the confusion by your wisdom, so that I may have a clear mind and sound judgment. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Sometimes, we are overwhelmed by the choices we have to make. There is so much information to sort out and so little time to do it. And on top of it all, we end up second-guessing the choices we’ve already made. Thankfully, we have a heavenly Father who helps us focus as we sift through the chaos.

When we pause to quiet our minds and hear God’s voice, even for a brief moment, He faithfully responds.