3 Easy Ways To Share Your Faith


All the small things you do in life add up— so why not treat sharing faith the same way? You don’t have to go on a mission trip to a distant land to help others, but it is our mission as Christians to share Jesus and the gospel. 

Mark 16:15 says,

“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

If you can take 5 minutes out of your day to ask a friend how they are, why not take an extra minute to share Jesus with them? Small acts of kindness can bring you and your loved ones closer to Him. Here are 3 easy ways that you can share your faith with the people in your life! 

  1. Testimony - Tell Your Story

Even though your story is not the gospel, you still have wisdom to share about your religious and spiritual awakening. Explain how His Truths opened your eyes to new possibilities. Tell someone what your life was like before you were saved by Christ. Describe how His Forgiveness has changed your life for the better. Everyone loves to hear stories and you never know who needs to hear yours. You could change the course of someone’s life by sharing your journey with Christ.

  1. Send Inspirations

There are so many ways to send someone inspiration today! With technology and communication at our fingertips, sending a text could be the perfect way to introduce one to Christ and share His message across the world! You can do this by sending your favorite verse or a bible quote that really resonates with you. You never know what you’ll get back. 

  1. Be Righteous!

The best and easiest way to share your faith with someone is leading by example. Continue to follow Christ and live your life by his standards of goodness. 

Matthew 5:16 says,

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

As Matthew says, “let your light so shine!” Always act and speak with kindness and respect towards others. Do not allow yourself to be a hypocrite. If we all practice benevolence every day, the world will be a better place.